Somatic Attachment Healing
What is Somatic Attahcment Healing?
In Somatic healing, the body is the foundational point for healing.
Somatic Attachment Healing is a holistic approach to healing and re-patterning that uses the body as a tool to support mind-body integration. The goal of somatic attachment healing is to integrate the mind, body, and spirit.
Somatic healing goes well beyond just treating the mind — it also treats the body and the nervous system. Healing on a cellular level. Using mind-body techniques to release trapped emotions that are weighing on your well-being.These techniques involve breathing exercises, meditation, dance, and other forms of body movement.
As a trained somatic attachment practitioner , I help you make changes at the cellular level to restore their innate capacity to bond, form healthy and adaptive boundaries, and flourish in all aspects of relationships.
The manifestations of attachment trauma are primarily subconscious, so using words (i.e. talk therapy) or psycho-education alone is an incomplete approach to transformation.
Profound healing and re-patterning comes from making changes at the body (cellular) level.
A somatic approach acknowledges the narrative of our attachment journey and guides you into the wisdom of your body to restore the innate capacity to bond, form healthy and adaptive boundaries, and flourish in all aspects of relationships.
Somatic Attachment Healing helps:
Restore the body as a place of safety
Feel an embodied core sense of self
Compassionately renew a felt sense of connection and security
Release stored tensions in the body that contribute to defensiveness, avoidance, or anxiety
Expand the capacity to process body (preverbal and nonverbal) memory
Metabolize unprocessed emotions
Create deep and sustaining intimate relationships
Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachments patterns in relationships
Create the internal and external conditions for attachment re-patterning
Restore your optimal relationship to yourself and the world around you
Enhances the capacity for joy, trust, managing disappointments and rejections.
So, how does it work?
The mind and body as intrinsically linked. Trauma and other chronic negative emotions can get trapped inside our bodies and affect our mental health even further. Somatic healing, heals on a cellular level.
So, how do these emotions get caught in the body?
After a traumatic event, the nervous system can get stuck in survival mode. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are continually released, leading to an increase in blood sugar and blood pressure, which can weaken the immune system. When the body is under this level of constant stress, physical symptoms begin to emerge.
Somatic approaches engage the relationship between mind, body, brain, and behavior.
7 Sessions $$1554
Payment plan 2x $777
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