…are you tired of ending up in unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships?
Do you see everyone around you falling in love, starting families, and you can't seem to meet a “good guy.”
Do you desire a healthy, loving partner, and feel like something has to change or you are going to end up alone?
If your past relationships have failed but you don’t understand why…
…it's time to go inward and meet the parts of you that have been neglected.
It’s time to finally heal that wound so you can have the healthy, loving, and vibrant relationship you have been looking for.
…you will continue to attract these types of relationships. If you are at the point where you know you need to try something new to have a healthy, fulfilling relationship…
…it's time to go inward and heal these wounds so you can attract and build the relationship you are longing for.
Chasing emotionally unavailable men who don't commit?
Do you need constant reassurance in your relationships and seeking approval?
Experiencing a fear of abandonment and rejection.
Putting everyone else's needs before your own
Are you dismissing your own needs? Do you feel unworthy unless someone chooses you? Do you depend on a partner to be happy and feel good about yourself?
Are you sensitive to criticism and easily defensive?
Are you hiding who you truly are to feel loved?
Do you feel not good enough and experience low self-esteem? Are you envious of others?
Do you settle for less than you know you deserve?
For a long time, much of that resonated with me too.
But after going through a few dark years of suppressing my emotions, repeating one unhealthy toxic relationship after another, I began digging and questioning my behavior.
That’s when I broke free from many negative subconscious beliefs, patterns, and unhealthy relationships. That’s when I learned to reprogram the unconscious mind and re-parent my inner child, healing my childhood wounds.
Aside from my own experiences and working with private clients, I noticed that the root cause of people-pleasing, low self-worth, and chasing unavailable partners, are experiencing an anxious attachment.
This is why I created The Evolving Daughter.
It's THE method I used in my own life and supported my clients with that works to help you transform the relationship with yourself and with others.
Week 1 :
Father- Wounds and Where They Stem From
Week 3:
The Art of Reconnecting With Your Inner Child
Week 5:
The Art of Identifying Your Emotional Attachment
Week 7:
The Art of Setting Boundaries and Defining Values
Week 2:
The Art of Taking Responsibility For Yourself
Week 4:
The Art of the Love and Compassion For Others
Week 6:
The Art of Releasing Pain and Trauma
Week 8:
The Art Visualization and Manifesting
Having the confidence to voice your deepest wants and needs
Feeling worthy of healthy, fulfilling relationships
No longer chasing love, and receiving love fully
Feeling seen and heard in a romantic relationship
Calling in healthy, loving potential partners
8 Private 1:1 Calls (4 calls a month)
Sacred Daughter Practices
Inner Healing Investment:
Inner Child Healing Session
Deep Level of Support
Are you ready to transform your life?