I hope you’re having a beautiful day. This week, I will guide you through a short guided meditation for processing difficult emotions. When we deny what is difficult, we create more suffering by pushing down heavy emotions. Thank you for listening, and if you enjoyed this meditation, the best way to show your love is […]

Allow the brain to display the calm, smooth, harmonious waves called alpha brain waves—like the waves of the ocean, coming into the shore and rolling back out.

The body scan is one of the most effective ways to begin a mindfulness meditation practice. The purpose is to tune in to your body to reconnect to your physical self and notice any sensations you’re feeling without judgment.

When we choose not to forgive we are only hurting ourselves, but forgiveness can be easier said than done. Forgiveness is a practice for YOU.

Guided imagery is a type of focused relaxation or meditation. Focused relaxation involves concentrating on a specific object, sound, or experience in order to calm your mind. 

Practicing a Self-Love Meditation is a a powerful practice that can ease a racing mind. When we draw our attention to our innermost self, we find our source of inner peace and acceptance.

Connect to your heart space during this 9 minute meditation and ask your heart a powerful question. 

If you are feeling stressed, this practice can be just what you need to experience inner peace and joy. 

Yoga Nidra is a practice that can help you achieve profound states of relaxation by gradually moving your awareness throughout your body.

This meditation practice is a body scan, one component of yoga Nidra, a beautiful way to help you create a feeling of peace and balance.

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